DAX Intermediate Training

Master DAX language and develop advanced data analysis skills.

Objectives and Methodology

The Intermediate DAX Course goes beyond the basics of the language and is designed for those already familiar with DAX. You’ll delve into more intricate features, like the use of advanced functions, managing relationships, and segmentation techniques. Sharpen and enhance your skills through hands-on exercises and challenging tasks to take your DAX proficiency to the next level.

Corso Power BI

Course Structure

DAX Fundamentals

  • Recap of the topics from fundamentals training
  • Variables, indenting and commenting
  • Evaluation context
  • Relations
  • ADVANCED CALCULATE (modifiers, filters, expanded table, context transition, evaluation order)
  • Table manipulation
  • Hierarchies
  • Segmentation






In-depth and Useful Information:

Skills You Will Gain

By the end of the course, you will master Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) for Power BI and learn to use advanced functions, variables, and context transition. You’ll enhance your ability to create custom calculations and adeptly manipulate data to design more effective and valuable dashboards.

Prerequisites & Assessment Test

The Intermediate DAX Course is recommended for those who have already attended a basic training or are familiar with the foundational principles of this language. It’s crucial to have an understanding of the basic functions to execute advanced analyses and calculations.

Take this initial assessment and test your knowledge of Power BI.

Technical Requirements

We recommend installing Microsoft Power BI Desktop prior to the start of the course. To access course materials and download necessary exercise files, you’ll need to register on our Visualitics learning portal: LearnToViz

Training Delivery Methods

You can participate in all our trainings either in person or remotely, depending on your needs. The in-person training takes place over two full days, each lasting 8 hours. The online training is divided into 4 sessions, each lasting 4 hours. You will have access to our LearnToViz learning platform to complete practical exercises, view the presented materials, engage in post-training exercises, interact with the community, and enhance your skills with numerous free resources.

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Are you interested in this DAX Training course or would you like to find out the solutions that are best suited to your needs? Please fill out the form and we will be happy to contact you!